Corporal Blackburn -1865 blog

April 27, 1865
Lincoln won the presidency, as expected, and tied to bring peace he held an olive branch to the Confederacy and said, “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right.“ After that in April 6, 1865 the last battle of the civil war came to an end because the Confederates retreated and it was the largest number of confederate soldiers that waved the white flag in northern soil. Sadly there is bad news. I wish it had never happen since all he was trying to do was bring everyone together. Not only that, but he also suffered mentally and physically. In the evening of April 14 he was shot while watching “Our American Cousin.”  He died the next day. The killer was a famous actor named John Wilkes Booth, but he was caught and killed in April 26 the federal troops surrounded him in a barn that was set on fire.  The war has ended and I will head back home to Mary and my father, but with this I end my last journal, help a brother, free another.
