Corporal Dalia Blackburn- 1861 Blog (letter home)

Dear Mary and father,

I miss y'all. How is the baby Mary? Anything exciting happened there? If it did do tell me. In July 21st the first battle, Bull Run, was an utter disaster. We lost and ran off at first we were strong, but at some point we couldn't hold them back and we retreated.  And you know what the did?  They ate our lunches.  But Iḿ not going to complain because in August 5th Congress created an income tax to pay for the war. Incredible, isn’t it?  I mean wars are expensive after all and if they pay us we can start with the stores we’ve been wanting to open. Another Intriguing thing that happened was that we got a new army chief  his name is George McClellan or as we call him ¨Little  Mac.” We, the Union, have high expectations for him. Anyway I need to go and train. Write back.

Sincerely, John Blackburn
